Friday, January 13, 2012

Cards and Locks

Today is the last day in Mar del Plata. For desert today we had watermelon. Yes, sweet and delicious water melon in January. Be jealous, Mom. :) We have been sleeping in until at least noon everyday because we stay up until 3am playing cards or watching movies. I taught the Tissonis how to play Oh Hell (aka Oh Beep) and they love it!!  When I get back to their house I will be able to use my computer for internet and I´ll upload some pictures to my blog. However, there will be more on my Facebook.

Not too much has happened since my last post. But I did forget to tell you all a funny story from when we went to visit their friends in Miramar. Right before we left the friend´s home   I asked if I could use the bathroom. I locked the door, but when I tired to leave the bathroom...I couldn´t get the door to unlock. All seven of the people on the outside of the bathroom were trying to help me figure out how to unlock the door. I was laughing so hard that it took a little longer.

More updates and photos later!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to pictures and more stories! I can just imagine you laughing in the bathroom. Oh, and you're blog is now an official bookmark on my computer. :D
