Thursday, February 9, 2012

Abejas still sting

In case any of you were wondering...I do miss you guys back in Yanki Land. I know I haven't said it on my blog anywhere so I am sorry if you are feeling unloved. I miss you Yankis!  ---Wait, Kendall. Just what is a Yanki? Well it is pronounced "janky" and it means Yankee. That is what all US people are called here, in Argentina. I tried to explain to my friends here that only the northern people in the US are Yankees and in the south we are...Hicks? Rednecks? Hillbillies? haha. But no, I am still a Yanki.

This week has been very relaxing. I have been tanning some, working out with Jillian Michaels, and reading my novels in Castellano. (Spanish, I have been told, is only spoken in Spain. Here and in any other country, Castellano is the language.)

Tuesday I spent most of the day at the home of one of the campers from the church camp. I met her mother at church Sunday night and she said I could come over for lunch and pooltime if I wanted. Their house was beautiful like all of the house here. Around 2:30 pm we got in the pool. We hung out, talked, and played a few games. After what I thought was just two hours I asked what time it was, and I was shocked when they told me 7 pm! Who knew hiding a pear from two 14-year-old girls in a not huge pool could be so entertaining? That night all the girls closer to my age were supposed to have a "fiesta de pijamas" (slumber party, to any of you slow folk) but serveral people couldn't stay the night because they had work the following  morning. Then the whole thing got canceled because of a big storm that was coming in. The storm here was just a big rainfall luckily, but other parts got hit pretty badly. Now it is kind of chilly here. 21 degrees Celcius. ;)

Today, after tanning, drinking maté, and working out, I went with Elisa to watch her hockey team work out. First we had to stop by her brother's house to say HI. Her sister-in-law said anytime I wanted to come by and hang out or drink some maté, I could. I just love that. Anywhere I go people are always so willing to have me over for a bit. It doesn't have to be some grand event and the house doesn't have to be cleaned from floorboard to the ceiling like I am some foreinger guest. It just seems more like I am a friend coming over.

When we were walking to the park I saw a whole bunch of bugs flying around a bush/tree/thing in someone's front yeard. I pointed it out to Elisa when we got closer to it and said "Ay! Muchos bichos!!!" (Ah! Many bugs!) And that is when we realized that they were bees! Elisa got stung about 6 times. I got stung on the hand once and once on my back. One was stuck in my shirt and I had to take it off so I didn't get stung again. Luckly I had another shirt on under. And luckily, there were some boys (one I knew from the camp) there to help us make sure they were all off us.Yay first bee stings!!

At the work out I sat at a picnic table to read my book. I finished my first book in Castellano today! Charolette's Web. The book I am reading now is very sad "El niño sin nombre" or "A Child Called 'It'". While I was reading the coach started to talk to me and then asked me were I was from. :) He didn't know I am not Argentine until after he heard me talk. I look like I could be from here. :) You all know that makes me happy. Now you might be thinking (Dad) that my goal should be to speak Castellano so well that people wouldn't know I am not from Argentina unless I told them. Sadly, I don't think I will ever get there. Fluencey, yes, but I doubt I will ever get rid of my Yanki accent. It's cute right? haha.

Goodnight to you all. I MISS you and love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Kendall,

    We all miss you too! We can't go anywhere without a "How's Kendall" question. Keep the writing going. I love it!


